We help our community

About us

Southside Community Care.

As a Specialist Homelessness Service SCC offers Crisis Accommodation and support to Homeless families with the support of the Dept of Communities and Digital Economy and the Queensland Department of Housing.

Family homelessness is less visible because it is often โ€˜secondary homelessnessโ€™ which means that families are in temporary accommodation where they have to keep moving around. This effects the capacity to keep children at school, maintain employment, and a stable lifestyle. The staff are very committed to help these families.


Our Services

An experienced team working together, crafting exceptional experiences, and growing stronger.

Happy parents having fun with their daughter while pushing her in carton box at their new home.

Crisis Accommodation Service

Supporting Families

thrift shop open sign

Thrift shop


Team Members

An experienced team working together, crafting exceptional experiences, and growing stronger.


Di is the Executive Officer

Deb W is the Service Manager who looks after the day-to-day running of the service and deals with tenancy matters. She works with Deb S as part of the property team

picture of Sarah and Natasa

Sarah & Natasha are the Family Support Workers

Donate clothing and goods

School uniforms and stationery to assist in getting children back to school

Sheets, blankets, dounas and pillows for tenants

Food and transport assistance (including top-up for Go Cards) for essential appointments around access to services and health care.

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Discover the inspiring stories behind our mission. Explore our journey, our impact, and the passionate people who make it all possible.